Today i finally did something on my Summer "To do" list. A long hike. :) It was only up the pinnacle but it was still amazing. The sight was not as cool as when i went two years ago. You couldn't even see McDonalds! I believe nature did this on purpose. It wants you to reach the top to finally see the mountaintops and that feeling like you are no where near civilization. And a big yellow "M" might ruin that. But, it was fun but at the same time a little frightening. I've had a long fear of being in the woods while its dark. Something about it just terrifies me. It's been this way since i was a youngin'. I don't think it will ever change. But, finally reaching the top felt like a long lost goal was completed. Just the peacefulness, the fresh air with a hint of mist, and slight dew made the trip more interesting. And just sitting at the top, looking out at the mountains made me feel alive. And being with close friends just made it better. I miss the feeling of being free. Like you can do anything at any moment, and no one could stop you.
And this, our life, exempt from public haunt, finds tongues in trees, books in the running brooks, sermons in stones, and good in everything.
-William Shakespeare